A Stored Procedure is a group of sql
statements that has been created and stored in the database.
- It is actually stored in the
database data dictionary and Pre compiled one. We can call any number of
times from our program.
- Reduce the need to encode the
logic elsewhere in client programs.
- Stored procedure will reduce
network traffic and increase the performance. Consider if we have repeat
statements to call then how many times we have to call Database better a
single stored procedure can use for all the statements and a single call
is enough instead of multiple calls.
- A single procedure can be used
over the network by several clients using different input data.
- If we modify stored procedure all
the clients will get the updated stored procedure.
- Security - Stored Procedure can
be granted access rights to the database that users who execute those
procedures do not directly have.
- Stored Procedure can be used to
protect against SQL Injection attacks.
- Inline Stored
Procedure, we can call a stored procedure from other stored procedure
- We can call
functions from stored procedures,
the main difference of stored procedure and function is functions must return a value
(using the RETURN keyword), but for stored procedures this is
not compulsory.
- Switching to another vendor's
database most likely requires rewriting any existing stored procedures.
- Debugging stored procedures is
often not as good as for other programming languages.
- Changes to stored procedures are
more difficult to keep track of within a system.
- Differences in procedures can be
more difficult to merge and track correctly.
- User Defined Stored
procedure: This created by users and stored in the current database,
we will discuss more about this.
- System Stored Procedure: This
manage SQL Server through administrative tasks have names prefixed with
- Temporary Stored procedures: This stored in the tempdb databases have
names prefixed with the # symbol. These procedures are automatically
dropped when the connection terminates between client and server.
- Remote Stored Procedures: This
created and stored in remote servers can be accessed from various servers,
provided the users have the appropriate permission
- Extended Stored Procedures: This
call functions from DLL files have the prefix xp_.
- CLR Stored Procedure: CLR stored
procedure are special type of procedure that are based on the CLR (Common
Language Runtime) in .net framework. CLR integration of procedure was
introduced with SQL Server 2008 and allow for procedure to be coded in one
of .NET languages like C#, Visual Basic and F#.
User Defined Stored Procedure
To Create Stored
Procedure from Object Explorer, Databases --> Programmability --> Stored
Procedures right click and then click New Stored Procedure. This will give a structure of stored
To Create Stored
Procedure from Query Editor, from file menu click New Query and select database
where the stored procedure have to save.
Here we have to type from the empty Query Editor.
We can start with
a simple stored Procedure before you create a stored
procedure you need to know what your end result is, whether you are selecting
data, inserting data, delete data, or update data. Here I am giving a simple
select statement returns some data. We can consider an Employee table.
Simple select statements
Select * from Employee
Here I am creating a simple stored procedure with above select statements
CREATE PROC spGetEmployeeDetails
Select * from Employee
We can use CREATE
PROCEDURE or CREATE PROC for create stored procedure. Execute above SP (or simply press
F5), then will save our stored procedure into database if there is no errors.
If error is there then we have to rectify error then only it will save. If
stored procedure executed once then if we try to execute this again then we get
an error message
"Msg 2714, Level 16, State 3,
Procedure spGetEmployeeDetails, Line 1
There is already an object named
'spGetEmployeeDetails' in the database." Here we have to use ALTER
instead of CREATE. Means we can save one stored procedure name in one time only
If the name existing then we can modify using ALTER.
ALTER PROC spGetEmployeeDetails
Select * from Employee
To call
the procedure to return the contents from the table specified, the code would
EXEC spGetEmployeeDetails
--or just simply
spGetEmployeeDetails (Press F5 or Execute) then you
will get results. we cannot use the keyword "GO" in the
stored procedure. Once the SQL Server compiler sees "GO" it
assumes it is the end of the batch. we created stored procedure without any
parameter now we can see with parameters.
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails @Name
Select * from Employee WHERE Name = @Name
For call the stored procedure,
EXEC spGetEmployeeDetails @Name = 'Jom George'
Or EXEC spGetEmployeeDetails 'Jom
George' we can execute both ways.
Here we get the details of Jom George. For this if
we not supplied parameter then
Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure
uspGetAddress, Line 0
Procedure or function
'spGetEmployeeDetails' expects parameter '@Name', which was not supplied.
So we must pass parameter here. if we give
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails @Name
nvarchar(50) = NULL then the parameter is set default as NULL,
this all depend on situations we can use. Now if we not pass the parameter then
also stored procedure will execute but we have to give ISNULL in conditions.
EXEC spGetEmployeeDetails @Name = 'Jom George' or just EXEC
spGetEmployeeDetails here both execution will
work because default value assigned to parameter. Now we can see
multiple parameter passing in the stored
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails @Name
nvarchar(50)=NULL, @EmpID int
for multiple parameters we have to separate using ",".
Now we have to pass both parameters because @EmpID
is doesn't have any default value and parameter position is second.
EXEC spGetEmployeeDetails 5,
if we give like this then procedure will consider 5 as first parameter and
EmpID not passed, so will get an error like below.
Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure
spGetEmployeeDetails, Line 0
Procedure or function
'spGetEmployeeDetails' expects parameter '@EmpID', which was not supplied.
Here we can do either pass two parameter or with
parameter name we can pass.
spGetEmployeeDetails NULL,
5 or spGetEmployeeDetails 'Jom', 5 or
See the 3rd way it's possible because other
parameter having default value. Also we can give both parameters default value
as null. You have to work all with situations.
Now we can see OUTPUT
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails
SELECT @ManagerID = ManagerID
FROM Employee WHERE EmployeeID = @EmpID
Here we passed @ManagerID as output parameter.
1: sp_help Stored_Procedure_Name: Used to view the information about the stored
procedure like parameter names, their datatypes etc. sp_help can be used with
any database object, like Tables, Views, SPs, Triggers etc. Alternatively,
you can also press ALT+F1, when the name of the object is highlighted.
Note 2: sp_helptext Stored_Procedure_Name : Used to view the Text of the
stored procedure. For example, when we use sp_helptext spGetEmployeeDetails, we will get the text of this stored procedure.
Different datatypes we
can pass as parameters integer, decimal, character, xml etc now we can see how xml parameter works..
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails
@List XML
DECLARE @data nvarchar(100)
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @List
DateofJoin INTO #Employee FROM OPENXML(@idoc,
(EmpID int
firstname nvarchar(50),
lastname nvarchar(50),
company nvarchar(max),
email nvarchar(100),
DateofJoin datetime
See here @List I am passing as XML parameter. see
here sp_xml_preparedocument is a system stored procedure for XML parameter. Also
you can see how we can call inline
stored procedure here (stored procedure call inside the other stored
procedure). Here its a system stored procedure same like we can call user
defined stored procedure, function etc. While executing sp_xml_preparedocument we get the data and using OPENXML
function we can get the data. You can also see here I used Temporary table #Employee.
Temporary table we can use for the temporary data storage.
Select * into #Employee from Employee This will insert all the data in the
Employee table to temporary table. Then we can use this table for any operation
within this execution. See in the above XML stored procedure example I got the
data in to #Employee table.
CREATE PROCEDURE spGetEmployeeDetails
@List XML
DECLARE @data nvarchar(100)
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @List
DateofJoin INTO #Employee FROM OPENXML(@idoc,
(EmpID int
firstname nvarchar(50),
lastname nvarchar(50),
company nvarchar(max),
email nvarchar(100),
DateofJoin datetime
-- Above you can see Row ID, we are
using ROW_NUMBER() Function
using for get row numbers.
-- This will simply insert into Employee
Insert into Employee (EmpID,first_name,last_name,company,email,DateofJoin)
DateofJoin FROM #Employee
-- See I want to update data 1 By One Either I can
use Curser or a simple While loop.
--here I am going to use while loop.
Declare @Count int, @ID int
Select @Count = Count(*) from #Employee
set @ID=1
While @Count>0
Update E Set E.email=E1.email From Employee E
Inner Join #Employee E1 on E.EmpID=E1.EmpID
Where E1.RowID=@ID
SET @Count=@Count-1
Set @ID=@ID+1
See here I used
while loop and updated one by one row.
If we want to delete also we can do this way. Also multiple statements
we can use inside the stored procedure. All are depend on situations.
You can create table
as temporary variables too
Declare @Employee Table
RowID int identity(1,1),
EmpID int ,
firstname nvarchar(50),
lastname nvarchar(50),
company nvarchar(max),
email nvarchar(100),
DateofJoin datetime
Instead of #Employee you can use @Employee. Then
you can insert into this temp table and use appropriate.
Now you can test yourself with more queries. This is only for starting. a lot left in stored procedure you can do any logic here. If you have any doubt in stored procedure please give a comment here.
Nice Explanation..