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We will attempt to grasp what a Web API is in this post, as well as the fundamental elements of a Web API project.

HTTP is a potent foundation for creating REST-compliant APIs that expose services and data. Almost any platform can use the HTTP library. An excellent framework for developing RESTful applications is the ASP.Net Web API.A wide range of clients, including browsers, mobile devices, and desktop programmes, are served by the Net Framework.

Although WCF may be used to create RESTful services as well, there are two key arguments in favour of Web API usage among users.

The inclusion of ASP.NET Web API in ASP.NET MVC clearly increases the use of the TDD (Test Data Driven) approach in the creation of RESTful services.

RESTful services can be easily developed utilizing web APIs whereas WCF still requires a lot of configuration settings, URI templates, contracts, and endpoints.

MVC creating Web APIs is supported natively by ASP.Net core. Applications' ability to communicate with one another is crucial, and this requires a reliable service end that can deliver data and perform CURD operations on it.

Using SOAP and XML, web services provide a fantastic way to connect web applications. An XML-based protocol called SOAP uses HTTP to transmit messages in a message-based format between applications. 

What's wrong with SOAP, exactly? 
We are aware that it can be an excellent means of transferring data across applications, however each request and answer also requires the transfer of a significant amount of additional meta data. Even though we only need to transport a tiny quantity of data, this creates a severe demand. Another issue is that we must construct proxies on the client side and update them whenever something changes. If there are any modifications on either side, the programme won't function properly.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) given a means to develop services that is far more secure and mature and overcomes all the shortcomings of conventional web services. You might configure WCF services to produce REST services as well using WCF REST Services. As I have already stated, a lot of modifications are needed to turn a WCF service into a RESTful service that offers fully resource-oriented services through HTTP.

What is REST(Representational State Transfer)? It is a fundamental tenet of web architecture. An application programme interface (API) that employs HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data is known as a RESTful API. It is also known as a RESTful web service because it is built on REST technology, an architectural design and communication strategy frequently utilized in the creation of web services. REST consumes less bandwidth, making it better suited for internet use. A RESTFUL API divides a transaction into several smaller modules, each of which tackles a different transaction. Although designing from scratch is difficult, it offers a lot of versatility. It uses the benefits of the HTTP GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods.
  • GET: component of the CRUD action to be retrieved. This will be utilized to get the needed information from the distant resource.
  • PUT: An update is a CRUD action. This protocol will update the way the data is currently displayed on the remote server.
  • POST: Create a CRUD operation step. By doing this, a new entry will be added for the data that is now being transmitted to the server.
  • DELETE: component of the CRUD operation to be deleted. By doing this, the specified data will be deleted from the remote server. 

Six constraints are listed in the REST architectural style.
  1. Uniform Interface
  2. Stateless
  3. Cacheable
  4. Client-Server
  5. Layered System
  6. Code on Demand

Advantages: First off, since the service's capabilities are mapped to the URIs and protocols, only data will be moving to and from the server. Second, since only data is arriving, there is no need for a proxy at the client end because the application may receive and process the data directly. 

Web API - Create RESTful services that can deliver fully resource-oriented services to a variety of clients, such as browsers, mobile devices, and tablets. Client, Controller, and Model are the fundamental components of the API. The web API is used by the client. In C#, a model is an object that depicts data as straightforward classes, and a controller is an object that manages HTTP requests and generates HTTP responses. There will be one Controller for the app.


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