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Showing posts from June, 2012

Why Using Factory? how Abstract factory works?

Why Using Factory “Creates objects without exposing the instantiation logic to the client. It refers to the newly created object through a common interface.” This is exactly Factory pattern. Software design principles represent a set of guidelines. These guidelines help us to create a good design. There are some characteristics of bad design, 1.      Hard to change: changes affect too many other part of the system. 2.      System breaks while changing. 3.      Hard to reuse. I am going to start with 3 tier architecture.   Basically we know in three tier architecture the UI code is in the client section, business layer is nothing but business classes which has the business validation and the data access layer does all the database operations. If we study these 3 sections most changes happening in business layer. Business rules change time by time. Client changes depend on user interface but it won’t be as much as business layer. Then data layer, compared to other lay