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Showing posts from December, 2014

Null Conditional Operators (?.) in C# 6.0 (New Feature)

Here I am discussing about the new feature called “ null-conditional operators ” introduced in C# 6.0 (VS 2015 and .Net 4.6). First we can see the old way, InvoiceDetails = Invoice != null ?   Invoice.InvoiceDetails : null; If(Invoice != null && Invoice. InvoiceDetails  != null) {      Amount = Invoice. InvoiceDetails.Amount. ; } else {     Amount = 0; } Or  Amount = Invoice != null ? (Invoice.InvoiceDetails != null ? Invoice.InvoiceDetails.Amount : 0) : 0;      In the above code used null conditional operator, nested if statements etc. In  C# 6.0 provides the new way to check for Null. We can use  Null-conditional operator (“?.”) for reduce number of lines of codes. InvoiceDetails = Invoice?.InvoiceDetails; If all of the conditions are met, this will return the actual value; otherwise, it will return null. It checks the InvoiceDetails object and returns a value if Invoice is not equal to null; e...