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Showing posts from July, 2012

OOP Concept with Real Time Examples

A design philosophy is OOP. Object Oriented Programming is what it stands for. In contrast to outdated procedural programming languages, object-oriented programming (OOP) employs a separate set of programming languages. In OOP, everything is categorised as self-sustaining "objects". As a result, you achieve re-usability using the four core concepts of object-oriented programming. Programmes are organised around objects and data rather than action and logic in the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm.    Let's use your "Leg" as an example to grasp the object orientation clearly. The class "Leg" is one. Left and right legs are objects of type Leg on your body. A series of electrical impulses supplied through your body parts (through an interface) are what manage or control their primary functions. As a result, the body part serves as an interface between your body and your legs. The Leg is a well-designed class. The attributes of the Leg are m...